033-2427-2700/2726/2727 office@rkmvnarendrapur.org | rkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com | officerkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com (Office)
A divine life steeped in the truest knowledge of Atman (Self), Sri Ramakrishna was the concentrated embodiment of knowledge, love, renunciation, catholicity and the desire to serve mankind...
She was the embodiment of all wisdom, as Sri Ramakrishna used to say, and this wisdom, both worldly and spiritual, was the guiding force behind the establishment of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1897.
His two greatest ideas - Sacrifice and Service - found expression in 1897 through the establishment of Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission which bears the motto 'Atmano Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha'
JBNSTS Best School Award: 22 students of our school have been selected for the JBNSTS Junior Talent Search Test – 2019, Scholarship Award
Our Vidyalaya bagged Mio-Amore Best School Award and received Gold trophy and cash of Rs. 1,50,000/-. Total 2261 students (with our 15 of class V- IX)
State Level Mathematics Fair-2019: organised by BNMS & CMS. Vidyalaya received Best School Award and our boys won many prizes
The Mathematical Kangaroo Competition–2019, Organised by International Olympic Academy - Vidyalaya received Best School Award in India
Madhyamik Toppers 2019
H.S. Toppers 2019