033-2427-2700/2726/2727 office@rkmvnarendrapur.org | rkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com | officerkmvnarendrapur@gmail.com (Office)

Rural Development Activities as Conceived By the Government

The Project was started on July 1, 1972, particularly to help the small and marginal farmers. The following are its activities:

Education and Training of Farmers' Children:
This is being done by extending the Book Bank facilities. They are helped with text books and other reading aids, such as dictionaries, note-books, instrument-boxes, laboratory note-books, loose sheets, development fees, coaching fees, etc.

Craft Training-cum-Production (Tailoring):
To meet the essential and emergent needs of the residential institutions and the inmates of the Ashrama, a tailoring section operates to impart training to them.

Rural Development Activities as
Conceived By the Government

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Ramakrishna Mission
Rural Development Activities as Conceived By the Government